Stuff Julia Likes

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With October approaching and people starting to get into the Halloween spirit I can't help but get excited for how it'll soon be socially acceptable to binge-eat bulk bags of candy. I have a huge sweet tooth, especially when I'm stressed out. 

*jump cut to a flashback of me, final semester of college, staying alive off of the tin of stale popcorn in the writing center, free Indian food, and York Peppermint Patties*

This past summer I did a complete detox from refined sugars to try and curb my sugar cravings, and it was super successful! I felt great when I was eating healthier. However, I find myself falling back into some self-destructive munching patterns while I stave off an existential crisis (re: post-grad life). As I sit here writing this I'm fighting a headache from eating a whole box of Nerds while watching Are You The One? and yelling at the TV.

Anyway, since I have candy on the brain for a multitude of reasons, I thought I'd put together a list of my absolute favorite sweet treats!

Cherry Tootsie Pops

I currently have an emergency Tootsie Pop in my purse right now in case I need to urgently repress some emotions down deep inside me in a sugary dungeon. My freshman year of college, my obsession with Tootsie Pops actually scored me the nickname "Sucker" on my Ultimate Frisbee team as a teammate from Michigan insisted they weren't called lolipops and I insisted she was crazy.

Mango Gummy Bears

Also during my freshman year of college, I ordered a 5-pound bag of my favorite gummy bears from Amazon and I really did not realize how many gummy bears that is. It's a lot, but I have no regrets.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

I firmly believe that the mini-sized Reese's cups have the ideal chocolate-to-peanut butter ratio and the foil rappers are way more fun to play trash-ketball in your dorm room. These guys have saved me from many a mental breakdown, with the exception of when my parents ate all of my peanut butter cups out of my Halloween candy when I was a kid (but that's a story for another day).


Sometimes I just like to feel the enamel being gently exfoliated off of my teeth. These little fuckers are just straight up addicting.


Sometimes you just want something sweet and chewy to gnaw on, like a stress toy for your teeth! And they're low-fat so that means they're basically healthy for you, not to mention the awesome little container you get when you buy them in bulk!

While these are my favorite candy staples, there are definitely some runners up that have earned themselves mentions as well. To be continued?

What are your favorite candies? Let me know in the comments!