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My Bed Tent

That's a face of pure joy, yet to be tainted by the soul-crushing anxiety of senior year and searching for jobs.

If there's one thing that I miss about my college dorm room, it is sleeping in my extra long twin bed tent from Privacy Pop. I used to be able to sleep enveloped in warmth and darkness, zipping out the nonsense of the conscious world. Nowadays, I can no longer crawl into my beloved bed tent as I now live in the adult world with a full sized bed.

I recently haven't been sleeping well for no apparent reason. 

*jump cut to me, writing this at 7:45pm while drinking four shots of espresso*

Anyway, I've been nostalgic for simpler times when my sleep schedule was still an absolute mess but I was able to emerge from my tent and be a contributing member of society. Plus, they make tents in a galaxy print now! And I'm a sucker for a good galaxy pattern.

Don't believe how much I loved my Privacy Pop? Here are some highlights from an open letter to my bed tent I published when I was an Odyssey writer:

"To say that I love being in bed is a wild understatement. Every moment that I can spend wrapped up in blankets and avoiding the daily struggles of existing in a modern society is a moment well spent. While beds in and of themselves make for the perfect companion, you have made my bed-going experience infinitely more inviting and delightful."

"You help me deflect the piercing rays of what I once described to my roommate as the "worthless sunrise," allowing for beautiful, restful mornings until I have to prepare for my afternoon classes. Having the ability to sleep straight through to 1PM is the only superpower I'll ever need."

Interested in improving your life with a Privacy Pop bed tent? Follow this link and save 20% off!